Teen Titans RP




Screen Name:Spider Man1036
Bio:The undisputed leader of the Teen Titans, Robin relies on nothing more than his wit and fearless nature to hold the team together. Once the partner of the legendary vigilante Batman, Robin's leadership abilities, analytical skills, and raw courage are of invaluable aid to the team and the cause that they uphold. Along with his unbridled speed and agility, Robin also has a utility belt at his disposal which houses a variety of projectiles with a vast array of different effects, a retractable bo-staff and a cape made of high-density polymerized titanium that is ten times as strong as steel. From razor-sharp Bird-a-rangs and freeze-disks to complex circuitry capable of hacking the most intricate of portable computer systems, Robin almost always has the perfect tools for many different situations. His high level of preparedness for any battle combined with his unparalleled daring make him a fearless opponent ready for almost any situation.
Weapons:A special Metal (yellow) Belt that will only open for the hands of Robin thanks to a DNA scan on the pockets. In each one of these pockets holds many diffrent weapons and secerts a few weapons in the belt are (Metal Combat Bo Staff,Birdarangs,Sonic/Ice Discs,Smoke Bombs, and Grapple)
Looks:Has spiked black hair that goes off to the side. Wears a midnight black mask with a type of lense over his eyes that makes it look as if he has pure white eyes but also ableing him to see in the dark of night. A suit made of a special almost unbreakable metal to hold back gun shots and flames or any type of high engry. The suits color are green, red, and yellow with a R on the left side of his chest. A bright yellow belt the holds all his weapons steel plated tip and foot boots and a short black and yellow cape.
Real Name:Richard "Dick" Grayson
Team:Teen Titans (leader)


When Robin is not useing his fist and fighting skills to take down his enemys he uses his weapon of choice Metal Bo Staff made of a almost unbreakable metal the bo staff can break a person bone with eas with just the right shot. One thing that make Robin bo staff like no other is that it can change it size when he pulls it from his belt it is a small size but when a small invisable button is hit the staff grows into the full powerfull bo staff.


The weapon used most of all  by Robin is his trade mark Birdarang these small boomarang like shape weapons are fast and sharp ableing to cut through some of the strongest metals. The way it is made ables it to return to the owners hand after it has found its target Robin has upgraded this weapon through the years makeing it stronger and faster.

In the world of evil people stand only for death and pain to cause only troblem for the world..... but thanks to a team of specal teens the world still has a chance Titans Go!!