The Web Head Spider-Man

My Normal Day

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I dont have time for Hobbies i,m to busy protecting the city from anything that trys to hurt it but i do other things then just swing around like i said before i have a job. I,m a photographer for the Daily Bugle takeing pictures of my self... Your thinking that got to be easy yeah i wish try haveing a boss who hates not only everything you give him but also he gets the whole city to hate you but anyway when i do get some time i go out with my friends Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson i dont get to see them much but when i do i enjoy it most because MJ is with me. Mary Jane Watson the girl i love the girl next door.... But i can never be with her if anything happen to her if she knew i was Spider-Man and got hurt i could never forgive myself so that tells you i,m single.....

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