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The Web Head Spider-Man

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Super Hero:Spider-Man
Real Name:Peter Parker
Theme Song:Vindicated
Powers:A ablity to sense danger near by or any harm about to happen to me my Spider Sense.Organic Webbing thanks to the bite of the super spider i can now shoot webbing from my wrist at will. All i have to do is push down on my plam to fire out a single line of webbing.If i push down and hold my fingers there i can keep shooting webbing to trap a person or i can fire one line to swing around the city or push quickly to fire a ball of webbing i call impact web.Also being bitten by the spider made my strength enhace ten fold i can hold alot of weight perfect if i run into rhino. I now have the speed and agility of a spider i can jump far distance and i,m fast enough to miss a few bullets.And last with a touch of my hands and feet i can crawl walk of run on walls on most surfaces but some i can not.


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