Teen Titans RP




Powers:Thanks to Cyborg's Body he is now stronger then any normal man could ever be able to pick up 5 times his own wieght
Taken: No
Screen Name:None
Bio:After a horrific accident, metal and flesh were bound together to create Cyborg. Cyborg is a hybrid of a human and a machine, and wields a massive sonic cannon capable of unleashing high-decibel blasts. Blessed with a powerful grip, superhuman strength, and a variety of other gadgets, Cyborg is the backbone of the Teen Titans. While Cyborg's robotic components are susceptible to digital assault and his power battery can run out of juice, his steadfast friendship provides strong physical and emotional support to the group. Despite the fact that Cyborg often loses his temper (especially in the face of adversity or significant annoyance), he is incredibly loyal and dedicated to his teammates
Weapons: When Cyborg under went his transformation to his metal body he was given all new weapons a few of them are (Proton Cannon,Blaster arms,Lazer Shileding, and Grapple rope)
Looks:Cyborg's body was compeletly changed the only part that can been seen by the naked eye is the right side of his head that still holds his real right eye to the left is a metal red eyes that can see through any lightin. His whole body is a unbreakable Metal blue white black and sliver are the main color of his Armor.
Real Name:Victor Stone
Team:Teen Titans


The most powerfuly member of the Teen Titans Cyborg strength can hold back and take down any of the enemys that the Titans might face. Cyborg is able to use his power in powerfuly punches and kicks that could send the bad guys yards away


Hidden in the right arm of Cyborg is his most powerfuly weapon of all his Proton Cannon. This weapon is a giant lazer blaster like no other it fires out a giant blue proton blast that can go through any metal skin or suit. He uses it most often of any of his weapons

In the world of evil people stand only for death and pain to cause only troblem for the world..... but thanks to a team of specal teens the world still has a chance Titans Go!!