Teen Titans RP




Powers: StarFire has many diffrent powers. She is able to bring bright green blast she calls Star Bolts from her hands to stirke down any enemy with great enegry. But her hands are not the only place she can fire enegry she can fire green beams from her eyes that are a little weaker then her Star Bolts. Being the ailen she is she has more and more hidden powers it seem she has the power to fly at will not useing any enegry to do so StarFire can fly through the air and breath in space and she is very strong thanks to her ailen strength. 
Taken: Yes
Screen Name:Fuzzycutiedog
Bio:A powerful extraterrestrial being from the planet Tamaran, Starfire is the innocent newcomer to the group. Although she is still learning about the strange habits and foreign customs on the planet Earth, she remains a fierce fighter capable of firing extremely powerful energy blasts from her hands and flight. She is a warm-hearted, kind, and gentle friend that gets along well with all the other Teen Titans. In particular, she spends a lot of time with Robin and considers him to be her best friend. A dedicated optimist, Starfire may have powers and abilities that she's not even aware of yet.
Looks:StarFire is a  beautiful girl you would think a alien would be ugly but that not the truth with it comes. She has long red hair that come to her back. She her skin is a tan like orange color with two small small marks on her forhead. She wears a new type of tank top that covers her chest and goes down to just the top of her stomach. She also sliver gloves that go up to her elbows and a short skirt that goes to her thigh. Her shoes go up all the way up her leg and end where her Skirt ends.
Real Name:Koriand'r
Team:Teen Titans


StarBolts the main choice of weapon of StarFire very powerfull green blast that come from her hands and can cause exploseing once they hit a enemy's body. But they are most use to hiting the enemy for damageing them


When Starfire went through a very weird transformation she had no cule that she was a Chrysalis after going through his form she returned to normal with one new thing she could now shoot enegry beams from her eyes. The blast see send from her eyes are some what stronger and weaker then her starblots. They are controled by her rage when she gets the feeling of rage they shoot from her eyes

In the world of evil people stand only for death and pain to cause only troblem for the world..... but thanks to a team of specal teens the world still has a chance Titans Go!!