Teen Titans RP

Beast Boy



Name:Beast Boy
Powers: Beast Boy is like no other he can change into any animal and more. He has compeletly control over any animal in the world with just a thought he becomes a cat or a dog with no troblem at all. A few animals he can become are (T-Rex,Dog,Kitten,Ape,Monkey,tiger and ALOT MORE)
Taken: Yes
Screen Name:XLord RevenX
Bio:Beast Boy has the unusual ability to morph into any animal that he chooses, even extinct varieties such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The lighthearted jokester of the group, Beast Boy's cheerful outlook on life combined with his silly humor help to lighten up the atmosphere when things get grim around the Tower. While he sometimes gets on his teammates' nerves with his annoying wisecracks, erratic behavior (like always borrowing Cyborg's stuff and then losing it), and idiotic pranks, he is very valuable both in battle and as a companion and friend.
Looks:Beast Boy wears a jump suit that is is black and purple. A purple line goes down his chest to his stomach and down to his thigh. He also wears a gray belt around him. The rest of the suit is black. He also wears gloves on his hands and purple and grey shoes. The weird thing is that all these clothes dissapper when he transforms into one of his animal forms then reapper when he returns to normal.
Real Name:Garfield Mark Logan
Team:Teen Titans


Beast Boy can become any animal he wants and uses this power on evil to stop them or........he just uses them for jokes that are not very funny.


In the world of evil people stand only for death and pain to cause only troblem for the world..... but thanks to a team of specal teens the world still has a chance Titans Go!!