Teen Titans RP




Powers: Raven is like no other she can use her mind to do almost anything she can move anything i mean ANYTHING with her mind no matter the size she can do it at will but for more powerfuly mind blast you uses a spell with the words Azarath Metrion Zynthos causeing her to sent her enegry to whatever she needs. Beside this she can also fly. With her powers she can make her self move through the sky.
Screen Name:Trish5537
Weapon: None
Bio:With a mystical power over inanimate objects, Raven is the most mysterious of the Teen Titans. Under her grim and sarcastic demeanor this puzzling Titans member is of invaluable aid to the team. With an unusual love for the dark and creepy (especially horror flicks and haunted houses), Raven often prefers the comfort of being alone and retreats to the comforting emptiness of her room in times of leisure. While not grim to the point of depressing, her more passive nature provides balance to a team of lively and often hyperactive members. While Raven often exudes creepy vibes and never hesitates to give her fellow team members a piece of her mind she is still a supportive and caring member of the group.
Looks:Raven wheres a dark blue hooded cloak that goes down to her feet. The hood go just above her eyes ableing her to see in battle with it up. Beside her cloak Raven wears something of a black jumpsuit that stop where her legs start but covers her arms with her gloves. On the right side of her chest is a small sigh with a dark raven sign on it holding her cloak on her body. She also wears dark blue shoes and a belt that has noting but the sign on her chest all the way around her hips.
Real Name:Raven (her true name)
Team:Teen Titans


Azarath Metrion Zynthos three werid words but cause great power. Raven can also use her black mind blast for much more then just moveing things and enemy they can also be use for shileds to block any  type of attack no matter how strong. She can also cover her hands in the mind blast to use in a fist attack for a powerfuly attack.


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In the world of evil people stand only for death and pain to cause only troblem for the world..... but thanks to a team of specal teens the world still has a chance Titans Go!!